Sold [NA][EUW][EUNE] Baby Boosts | Friendly, Personal, Effective. | S9 | Premier elo boosting...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Boosting - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/BabyBoosts, 4/12/19.

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  1. /u/BabyBoosts

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    Hey! I'm Baby, playing since about the end of season 1, and boosting since about season 3 reaching a high of Masters without much struggle; I have extensive experience throughout solo queue and the boosting community alike and am looking for clients to help get their dream rank on the ladder. While also running a team of experienced, passionate boosters that will almost ensure your order will be fulfilled with personality and assurance.

    With continued support even after the order is over and the ability to tailor your order to fit your schedule or needs makes us stand out as a premier service. Along with strict guidelines for our boosters to follow ensure your account will be in good hands.

    We have a hardened refund policy if anything happens to your account during an order or we run into some form of a problem, giving you a bit more peace of mind.

    After an order takes place if you'd be so kind to vouch for us with the link below it would be much appreciated! Thank you.

    Visit our Discord for more information/price inquires at:

    Vouch/Rep Thread:


    -Solo/Duo (5v5)

    -Flex Summoners Rift (5v5)

    -Flex Twisted Treeline (3v3)

    Order Types:

    Classic - Division/tier boosting solo.

    Duo Games - Specific number of duo games.

    Netwins - Specific number of net total wins duo or solo.

    Provisionals - Provisional games played to start with a healthy MMR.

    Price Quotes: Once you're in the discord server send Baby#1152 a message for your offer or asking for a price quote on a specific order upon your request and you'll be helped as soon as possible.

    # #/BabyBoosts
    # .
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