Selling NA\EU SC season 11\season leveling|journey

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by suicid, 7/31/17.

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  1. suicid

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    NA softcore offers
    Leveling 1-70 - 5$
    Full journey (full 6pc set) - 10$

    EU softcore offers
    Leveling 1-70 - Soon (tm)
    Full journey (full 6pc set) - Soon (tm)
    Rifts and GRifts on demand - Soon (tm)

    Everything done via leeching, that means that you not share any of your data to anyone and you just run around collecting items and getting exp.
    Can provide boosting at rifts\grifts\bounty runs on "pay per hour" basis.

    As payment accept only Paypal

    contact me via skype: Warraxo
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