Sold NA Endgame lv62 Account

Discussion in 'Blue Archive Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by iryeoxd, 12/28/21.

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  1. iryeoxd

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    Been getting bored of the game so I am selling the account.

    I have every unit except the following : Tsurugi, Iori, Aris, Midori, Sumire.

    Notable units are : Haruna ,Hibiki, Shun, Tsubaki all at 5 stars. I also have Hina and Aru at 4*. Top pvp rank was rank 8. Can also get top ranking rewards for every raid easily. Currently bound to a dummy trash gmail account.

    Looking for $150 thru paypal F&F or playerup middleman but fee on you.

    Discord me for more info at ryeo#0001.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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