Selling NA Elsword account with high leveled characters and gear (Ibs sets)

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Frayzdis, 6/29/16.

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  1. Frayzdis

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    Hey Guys im selling my account here is the info:
    LVL 85 Diabolic Esper with Full Thanatos set (NO WEAPON OR FACE MASK) 4/4 4th dimension gear +9 top +8 bottom rest it +9 Periksas Raid weapon with III freezing He has 3 mounts Ascalon, Shadow Mare, and the perm Rose event mount He has 3 pets with 80%+ affinity Berth Jr. Thanato, and Hoya One of the pets has about 50 elfruit in their inventory. He also has extended item slot Extended special inventory space and all 8 skill slots open he has 1 purple seal and 2 yellow seals in his inventory. ALL OF HIS EQUIPMENT IS WEDGED AND SAGED. he has 76% crit chance ans 22% attack speed. He also has El officer Ceremonial sword. He is also a guild master but you can decide to do whatever you want with it. HA unlocked. Perm Magic necklace and ring of fury.
    LVL 77 Blade Master in his inventory he has 5/5 Grend MK4 set +7 all you have to do is get him to lvl 80 to equip it he also full Black season 2 Spar Costume set and including cape from the event. Reaper pet and the white scorpion mount. HA unlocked
    LVL 73 Nobless
    LVL 70 Grand Archer. HA unlocked. Sheriff pet. Dragon priestess costume top& bottom
    LVL 70 Code empress with 4/4 Ancient guardian set
    LVL 67 Blazing Heart with 5/5 Glitter alchemist gear. Ice Hameling mount, Mystic pet & Berthe Jr. pet. HA unlocked
    LVL 57 Rune slayer with 4/4 Arch Angle Ancient Wyvern wings, and perkisas fire circle accessory. Uniel Pet
    LVL 57 Crimson Avenger. Reaper (death) pet
    LVL 55 Tactical Trooper
    LVL 48 Iron Paladin
    LVL 44 Infinity sword
    LVL 44 deadly chaser
    LVL 44 Veteran Commander
    LVL 39 Psychic tracer
    LVL 23 Battle mage
    LVL 17 Base Rose
    LVL 8 Base Ara
    Thats pretty much it contact me throught SKype or Gmail [email protected]
    I will be accepting Paypal
    Of course I will be accepting the highest offer Ive spent many years and many hours playing this game so in my mind i put B/O as $350 ( ive spent waaaay more than that trust me i had to buy the TDI set twice since it got stolen the first time...) BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT I CAN NOT NEGOTIATE! I am a broke *** college student who needs a little extra money for the summer and I dont play much anymore lol so offer away guys.

    Here is a link to my youtube page that shows me Using two of the DiE and BM:

    Im also selling an account with a lvl 85 Noblesse with +10 4th Dimension weapon fire III wedged/saged add damage. The account also has a lvl 67 BM with item mall items (perm magic necklace and ring of fury) so you can make offers for that one too although im reluctant to sell that account.
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