Selling  North America  Android and iOS  1000+K CP NA Cadmus LVL 310 Moonlight Sentinel (Silver Ranger), CP 2 M (Rank Top 100)

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Revolution Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by JJLJJ, 11/15/18.

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  1. JJLJJ

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    Looking to sell my lvl 310 Moonlight Sentinel (Silver Ranger) with 2+ mil CP. I no longer have time to play due to change in work schedule. This character is primed and ready for additional advancement and immediate CP gain. I will be playing until the account, which is linked to a dummy Facebook account, is sold.

    Server: North America, Cadmus
    Lvl: 310
    Class: Moonlight Sentinel (Silver Ranger)
    CP: 2 M
    Rank: Top 100
    Clan: In one of the top 3 clans

    - Red: UR 40 / lvl 10 attribute / +27
    - PVP: SR 34 / lvl 10 attribute / +25
    - Elite: UR 40 / lvl 10 attribute / +26
    * I have over 100 blessed scrolls you can use

    - PVP: UR chest, gloves, legs (almost done with head) / lvl 10, 3, 3, 1 attributes / +23, +23, +25, +21
    * full SR soul crystals, UR Elite (weapon, head, gloves)

    - Elite: UR head and gloves, SR chest and boots / +22

    Accessories: Nassen Set (no attribute enhance)
    - SR Necklace +24
    - SR Earrings +25, 25
    - SR Rings +23, 23
    * I have around 50 blessed scrolls you can use

    - Adventurer's: lvl 15
    - Blood Ranger's: lvl 20
    - Garden: lvl 23
    - Destruction: lvl 16
    - Virtuous Blood: lvl 16
    * You can get +2 lvls with the materials I have right now

    - From the previous event

    - R Bear lvl 20
    - A Silver Saint lvl 1
    - A Kukurin lvl 20
    - S Maned Lion lvl 14
    - S Strider lvl 20
    - SR Beetle lvl 1
    - SR Halloween Magic broom lvl 5
    - SR Bicycle lvl 1

    - Achievement Tier: Grade 30
    - Arena Grade 42 (easy to get rank 1 every day)
    - Inventory slots: 600
    - Maxed rare skills
    - Lvl 4 ultimate skill, lvl 2 passive ultimate skill
    - Adena: 30 Mil
    - Cores: Mostly done with the pre-260 cores and some Avento
    - Runes: Page 14 completed

    Moonlight Sentinel (silver ranger) has become the best class after the lvl 320 update, and it's very easy to level up and gain CP right now. I gain at least 1.5 lvls per day just farming and doing dailies, and earn at least 3-4 million adena per day from farming. Please send me a message if you want additional info or screenshots. Thank You.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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