Selling my NA AW accountCash: 3,800,000 +/- Reputation: 1,230,000 +/- Stats: PVP: Battles: +/- 680 52.2 WR 1.32 KD 64% HR PVE: Total Missions: +/- 450 84% WR 12.29 KD 80% HR Commanders(ALL MAXED I Believe) Tech Tree: Inventory/Boosters: Premium time: 1x 1 day 3x 3 day 2x 7 days 1x 30 days TOTAL PREMIUM TIME = 54 Days Tanks it has for each tier: -Premium -Regular Tier I: M41 Walker Buldog (100% EXP) PT-76(100% EXP) Type-62(100% EXP) Tier II: Lav-150(EXP 100%) M48A3(EXP 100%) FV107 Scimitar(EXP 100%) T-55(EXP 100%) T92 LT(EXP 100%) T92 ACAV Tier III: T-62 Vet(EXP 100%) Type-59 IIA Legend FV433 Abbot VE IS-7 LAV-150 90 Object 430 Tier IV: OF-40(EXP 50%) AMX-10P PAC 90 T-55M1 2S14 Zhalo-s Tier V: ERC-90 F4(EXP 50%) Tier VI: FV721 Fox(EXP 50%) MBT-70 RDF/LT Taifun II VFM MK.5 WZ-1224 Tier VII: Merkava IID Palmaria(EXP 100%) Tier VIII: M8 Buford(EXP 92% Needs 80k more exp until tier 9) M1134 ATGM Tier IX: T90MS(EXP 100%) Tier X: T-14 Armata i HAD maxed retrofits on all tanks but since the game updated it took them all so you will need to put them on again Im currently in the process of changing email from main to a new email if someone was to buy Looking for around 200-150 USD through Paypal you will pay the sending fee on top.
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Full reset option still available this would give back all the gold/exp/credits from the whole time i played so if you didnt want all lower tier premiums & a different tree to go down you could do that.