Well like the tittle says, im selling my NA account, i will list all the stuff i have there, and if u need pics just contact me: VC Lvl 70 Rank SSS (1500+ RP) -5/5 Salvatore Denif + Diamond Yaksha Blade (Red) -Grentized Gear: Amethyst 5/5 + acc (all +7) all with extra socket from raid boss Ancient Guardian Blade +8 and acient guardian acc - w/ extra socket Dragonic origin 5/5 + acc (2 pcs+7 and 2+6) -B-Slot -Magic Necklace -Mount: Cockatigle (FF bird xD) -Pets: Berthe Jr and Tree Knight (green) GrM Lvl 70 Unranked -Pvp Costume 6/6 -Grentized Gear: Mk-3 5/5 +acc (2 pcs +7 2 pcs +6) Ancient Guardian Wep +7 + acc -Magic Necklace SD Lvl 58 w/ B-Slot LK Lvl 51 PT Lvl 48 Well i have more stuff in bank, and in the inventory, like 8 amulet +7, boots and gloves SD, over 700 shards (all colors), and more stuff. If u r interested just pm me and i can send u pictures. B/O 120 US$ - By Paypal