NA account with 2,000 gold, 200+ epics, 1000+ dust, and 74 legendaries. After the expansion on Tuesday, this account will be given a bunch of free packs and a free legendary. The hall of fame rotation will add about 4,000 dust to the total. Legendaries: Floops Glorious Gloop Flobbidinous Floop Malfurion the Pestilent Hadronox The Marsh Queen Houndmaster Shaw Halazzi, the Lynx Deathstalker Rexxar Boommaster Flark Rhok'delar Zul'jin (GOLDEN) Open the Waygate Archmage Antonidas Sindragosa Dragoncaller Alanna Frost Lich Jaina Crystalsmith Kangor High Priest Thekal Sunkeeper Tarim Val'anyr Kangor's Endless Army Uther of the Ebon Blade Shirvallah, the Tiger Chameleos Archbishop Benedictus Shadowreaper Anduin Edwin VanCleef Gral, the Shark Tess Graymane Zentimo Hagatha the Witch Kalimos, Primal Lord Shudderwock The Soularium Skull of the Man'ari Rin, the First Disciple Lord Godfrey Lord Jaraxxus Mal'Ganis Bloodreaver Gul'Dan Fire Plume's Heart Darius Crowley Dr. Boom, Mad Genius Grommash Hellscream Rotface Scourgelourd Garrosh Bloodmage Thalnos Prince Keleseth Brann Bronzebeard Zola the Gorgon Archmage Vargoth Griftah Kazakus Whizbang the Wonderful Elise the Trailblazer Harrison Jones Leeroy Jenkins Loatheb Aya Blackpaw Emperor Thaurissan Genn Greymane Justicar Truehart Reno Jackson Sylvanas Windrunner Azalina Soulthief Baron Geddon Marin the Fox Ragnaros the Firelord The Lich King Alexstraza Baku, the Mooneater Malygos Master Oakheart Ysera C'thun Mecha'thun N'Zoth, the Corruptor Yogg-Saron, Hopes End
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