NA Account Peak Gold 3 (34 skins, 204 valorant points, 35 Radianite) RARE Ignite fan,...

Discussion in 'Valorant Other Accounts | Valorant Accounts Sale' started by /u/cynical_1111, 1/15/25.

  1. /u/cynical_1111

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    DM if interested. Through MM

    Skin Quantity: 34

    VP: 204

    R: 35

    Rank: Gold 3

    Agent Quantity: 20

    Agents: All agents except Vyse, Tejo, Fade, Breach, Cypher and astra

    Featured skins besides battlepass skins:

    Prime 2.0 Frenzy, RGX 11z Pro Frenzy, Gaia's vengeance ghost, Reaver Ghost, Magepunk sheriff, Recon spectre, Reaver Guardian, Blastyx phantom, Champions 2024 Phantom, Gaia’s Vengeance Vandal, Rare Ignite fan, Sovereign marshal, Magepunk Operator

    # #/cynical_1111
    . .
    #1 /u/cynical_1111, 1/15/25
    Last edited by a moderator: 3/1/25
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.