Selling NA account for sale. PM questions/offers 26 tanks...

Discussion in 'World of Tanks Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell WoT Account' started by Travis Dunn, 5/25/13.

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  1. Travis Dunn

    Travis Dunn
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    NA account for sale. PM questions/offers 26 tanks 30 slots 48 barracks slots 4 tier 8 premiums (T34, KV-5, FCM 50t, Super Pershing) 10 tier 2-6 premiums (incl. T1E6, PzKpfw. S35 739(f), Type 62) AMX 50 120 PzKpfw VIB Tiger II IS-3 Jagdpanther II and Ferdinand researched 7 other tanks tier 4-7 and several more researched 8,500 gold currently on account 1,900,000 silver 6,000,000 worth of gold ammo in depot 4,000,000 worth of consumables in depot all vehicles have 100%+ crews and a few additional 100% crews in barracks 3 skill french heavy tank crew 5,000 battles 1200 eff 53% win rate I am the only owner of this account.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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