[NA]69k Dust |13k Wins|42 Legend|44 Card backs|All Gold heros|Heroic adventures +Overwatch +HOTS

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by smellybandaid, 6/17/17.

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  1. smellybandaid

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    My Collection link:
    omgwtfdood's Profile - Member List - HearthPwn
    69k Dust
    13k Wins
    2,420 Gold
    All Golden hero portraits.
    Total Level 540 (max level)
    All heroic adventures complete.
    Golden Legend:Alexstrasza
    Name change available.
    Original owner.
    Included: Overwatch and Heros of the storm accounts.
    Overwatch: lvl 131 8-10 legendary skins 2,500+ gold
    Heros of the storm: lvl 91 20k+ gold 1k gems

    middleman trade only post here and message me if you are interested.
    middleman link: Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service

    42 Legendaries:
    flame leviathan, wickerflame burnbristle, ragnaros lightlord, tirion fordring, awaken the makers, lyra the sunshard, vol'jin, confessor paletress , prophet velen, white eyes, lakkari sacrifice, lord jaraxxus, fire plume's heart ,patches the pirates, shifter zerus, sir finley mrrgglton, bloodmage thalnos, lorewalker cho, milhouse manastorm, nat pagle, nat the darkfisher, auctionmaster beardo, brann bronzebeard, moroes, tinkmaster overspark, barnes, baron rivendare, elise starseeker, genzo the shark, old murk-eye, spiritsinger umbra, feugen,finja the flying star, harrison jones, hemet nesingwary, loatheb, prince malchezaar, stalagg, carine bloodhoof, emperor thaurissan, gelbin mekkatorque, illidan stormrage, justicar trueheart, maexxna, mukla tyrant of the vale, reno jackson, sylvanas windrunner, don hancho, dr. boom, rend blackhand, the curator, troggzor the earthinator, chromaggus, gruul, kelthuzad, medivh the guardian, ragnaros the firelord, alexstrasza, arch-thief rafaam, icehowl, majordomo executus, malygos, mayor noggenfogger, mekgineer thermaplugg, nefarian, onyxia, cthun, deathwing, deathwing dragonlord, nzoth the corruptor, y'shaarj rage unbound

    44 Card Backs:
    classic, heroic naxxramas, staff of origination, the blue portal, sunwell, ungoro mystery, year of the kraken, kabal, grimy goon, jade lotus, halfhill, pie, legion, medivhs invitation, tinyfin beach zul'drak, shadowmoon valley, clutch of yogg-saron, hogger, thunder bluff, love is in the air, thrall, explorer's map, highmaul, exodar, tournament grounds darkspear, darnassus, ninjas!, cupcake, ragnaros, lunar new year, maraad, gnomes, goblins, hallow's end, pirates!, icecrown, naxxramas, rainbow!, pandaria, heros of the storm, winter veil wreath, secret level
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