Sold NA, 61 , 44k battles, 2k avg dmg, 3k gold, 127M credits, 700k free xp, 170 tanks, 53 prems, 23 coll

Discussion in 'World of Tanks Blitz Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell WoT Blitz Account' started by NandoPIE, 2/11/23.

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  1. NandoPIE

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    The link in the end of this description is a Video showing basically every tank in garage and storage.

    The video is a bit outdated, so, there's 2 tanks missing in it, and not all account resources (gold, credits,...) Are the actual amount available at the moment, because of that, a screenshot from the garage has been taken the moment in writing this description with updated resources showing.

    Extra information that wasn't record in the video:
    Attachments available: 8
    Camos: 139
    Boosters: 3.2k xp, 2.2k free xp, 2k crew xp, 1.2k credits, 232 gold, 1.2k cooldown.
    104 avatars
    4 profile background (PRO background included)
    172 days of premium account in storage.

    Want a better pricing? DM me in discord "Osorio#1970"

    (If the video isn't available here, click on the link or copy and paste it in your browser, than it will play instantly)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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