Sold NA - 39 SSR wnp, Very Maintained, 7 support (Meta, Exceptional), very good CE

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by GreenArcher, 6/9/23.

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  1. GreenArcher

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    Very Maintained NA Account with 30 SSR (39 WNP) Complete Meta and Exceptional Support, Very Good Craft Essence

    SSR NP 2 : Okita Souji, Artoria Saber, Super Orion, Gilgamesh, Ereshkigal, Osakabehime, Jack the Ripper.
    SSR NP 3 : Dantes

    Notable SR :
    NP 5 : Valkyrie
    NP 4 : Atalante

    All Freebies NP 5.

    Freebies Missing : Elizabeth Caster, Oda Nobunaga, Santa Alter Rider, Ryogi Shiki Assassin, Kintoki Rider, Scathach Assassin, Elizabeth Saber, Santa Lily Alter, Kiichi Hogen.

    Notable CE : MLB See Emptiness as the Path, MLB a Walk in the Park, MLB Volumen Hydrargyrum, MLB Imaginary Around, MLB Formal Craft, Devilish Bodhisattva 3 Copies, Prisma Cosmos 2 Copies, and Many Very Good CE Event.

    Exceptional CE : MLB Black Grail Lv.97, Kaleidoscope, Fragment 2030 3 Copies, GudaGuda Poster Girl 2 Copies, Magical Girl Sapphire.

    MLB Shop CE : Tea Time, Lunch Time, Dinner Time, Mona Lisa, Bella Lisa, Detective Fou, Free Seating, Take Romance.

    34 Servant Max Skill and other Maintained (Many Materials but Only Lack of Lore)

    Meta Support Skill (Merlin/ Skadi/ Castoria) is 10/10/10.

    Exceptional Support Skill (Zhuge Liang/Tamamo Caster) is 10/10/10.

    Semi Support Skill (Osakabehime/ Summer BB) is 10/10/10.

    Farming Servant Skill (Gilgamesh, Ereshkigal, Da Vinci Rider, Musashi Berserker,Dantes) is 10/10/10. Artoria Saber 4/4/10, Napoleon 9/7/7.

    Solo Servant Skill (Super Orion, Jack the Ripper, Qin Shi Huang) is 10/10/10.

    Servant with Unlocked Append Skill :
    Okita Souji -/5/-
    Skadi -/10/-
    Cu Chulainn -/10/-
    Arash -/10/-
    Super Orion -/8/-
    Gilgamesh -/10/-
    Ereshkigal -/10/-
    Castoria -/10/-
    Merlin -/10/-
    Tamamo Caster -/10/-
    Zhuge Liang -/10/-
    Osakabehime -/10/-
    Jack the Ripper -/8/-
    Summer Musashi -/9/-
    Dantes -/10/-
    Valkyrie -/8/-

    Notable Servant with More than 1500 Status of Fous :
    Dantes (1280 HP, 2000 ATK)
    Okita Souji (2000 HP, 2000 ATK)
    Qin Shi Huang (2000 HP, 1720 ATK)
    Ereshkigal (1660 HP, 1100 ATK)

    Grailed Servant (Dantes Lv.117 from 118, Okita Souji Lv.102, Super Orion Lv.100, Gilgamesh Lv.100, Ereshkigal Lv.100, Qin Shi Huang Lv.100, Artoria Saber Lv.94, Summer BB Lv.94, Valkyrie Lv.92, Ozymandias Lv.92, Sieg Lv.90, Arash Lv.70).

    Max Bond Servant (Arash, Skadi, Hans Christian Endersen, Heracles, Okita Souji, Valkyrie, Dantes, Ozymandias, Sieg, Castoria).

    Have a Tons of Materials for Ascension and Level up any Servant Skill (only lack of Lore)

    Story Lb.6 Prologue, 0 Free Quest, 11 Interlude Quest, 12 Rank Up Quest. Seraph Unlocked.

    465+ SQ, 82+ Ticket left (Not Included from SQ Fragment). [ 25-6-23 will get 30SQ more from Total Login]

    5160+ Mana Prism, 6 Rare Prism, 137 Pure Prism, 1million Friend Point & 885Million++ QP left.

    155+ Golden Apple, 120+ Silver Apple, 81+ Bronze Apples.

    0 Crystallized Lore, 6 Holy Grails, 4 Flames of Visionary left.

    Many Mystic Code, Command Code and Costume.

    Easy 3 Turn Farming or any Challenge Quest.

    Birthday is set.

    100% Servant already Max Ascension, 100% Servant already Bond 5.

    Price is $160, Consider the Account is still Young (Under 1000days) but its already Solid and Very Maintained with 7 Supports (3 Meta Support, 2 Exceptional Support, and 2 Semi Support), Very Good Craft Essence, a lot of Apples to Farming anything, Still Have Interlude, or Rank Up Quest to get more SQ (not Included Bonuses from Extra Mission).

    My Payment Method is only via PayPal or Skrill.

    If you’re interested or have any questions, PM me or add my Discord for Fast Respond [Discord: GreenArcher#2169] and IM NOT USING DISCORD NITRO (Be sure to check the Capital or No Capital in My Discord Tag, Don't mistake Capital and no Capital is the same Account/ Tag, Higher chance you got Scammed because of this simple correction. Please beware of Imposter or Scammer). Thanks

    *Details will change from time to time because the account still being played everyday until its Sold, so the Account Value is Never Drop.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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