Level 55 Path 64 6 Legend Snowfall 4 set L - Magellana's Judgment Stargleam Staff (S) Legand Score 1540 Grade 320 - Armillarion's Poison Amrillarion's Codex (A) Score 705 Grade 240 - Plague Descent Snowfall Helm (A) Score 1134 Grade 304 - L Magellana's Judgement Stargleam Tunic Legend (S) Score 983 Grade 204 - Flock Stargleam Pauldrons Legend (A) Score 648 Grade 320 - Arcane Crystal Mindwing Breeches Divine (S) Score 461 Grade 240 - Torture Jewel Stargleam Boots Legend (S) Score 460 Grade 256 - Armillarion's Poison Stargleam Vambraces Legend (S) Score 573 Grade 256 - Arcane Crystal Snowfall Sash Legend (A) Score 520 Grade 320 - L - Megellana's Judment Snowfall Cape Legend (S) Score 1153 Grade 320 - L - Megellana's Judment Sailors Necklasce (SS) Score 550 GRade 272 - Arcane Crystal #2 on server Brightcore Braclet (B) Score 464 Grade 208 - Two Minds Wind Chaser's Blessing Legend (A) Score 1026 Grade 256 - L - Megellana's Judgment Armillarion's Earring (A) Score 717 Grade 240 - Armillarion's Poison Nature Ring (A) Score 575 Grade 160 Talent 50 ring Nightbane Waist Pendant (A) Score 423 Grade 120 Sets 4/4 Magellana's Judgment 3/3 Armillarions Poison 3/3 Arcane Crystal Basic Stats HP - 19,396 MP - 20,685 Spell Damage 1433-1544 Spell Crit 42.7% Defense 1694 Spell Defense 1712 PM me with serious offers 385-250-8670 Will send Pictures of all stats
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