Hello together! I am looking for a high end VC account that I can trade for my League of Legends Account. Since I was thinking about selling my LoL-Acc anyway, I thought I could give it a try. With High End, I actually mean high end. I dont need those accs from those kids that think that they are high end just because they can do SCBs. I want an account that has realistic chances to beat SSCBs and shouldnt have any problems in beating 8* CBs since even my current account can do 8*. Would be great if your account also has limited heroes from collabs and other OP units such as Frey, Esquire and so so. What am I going to offer you? A League of Legends account in EUW (people those days can transfer accounts to NA https://www.playerup.com/images/smilies/wink.png) that is currently between Diamond 5 and Plat 1 in both SoloQ and FlexQ. The only champs that I dont own are: Pyke, Zoe, Ornn, Illaoi, Vel, Aatrox, Nami, Voli, Swain. On my Account I have still 18k BE and a whole total of 73 RP! Total owned Skins are: 160 (8 of them are chroma) ~ 1 Ultimate: Pulsefire Ezreal 1 Mythic: Soulstealer Vayne 11 Legendary: Project Vayne, Star Guardian Jinx, Project: Ashe, Pulsefire Caitlyn, Dragon Tamer Tristana, Firefighter Tristana, Nightbringer Yasuo, Red Baron Corki, Eternum Nocturne, Aether Wing Kayle, Forecast Janna 23 Epic Skins that I dont want to bother writing down and the rest are normal Skins. If u have interest just add me in Line under the Name "Moeface" . If u dont have line but discord, just write ur discord Name I shall add you. That was all! Good Day everyone! Worst Case u can also tell me how much u would buy that account with Money, if so I accept only Paypal
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