Account Lv. 80 Scenario Completed PVP easy weekly 5% Kim, No9, Teresa Volcano Dungeon Completed Easy FOS Easy Manacar SOLO BP 100 left, used to heroes select coupons to buy Dox Jewel 20 left Gold 150K 6* Heroes : No. 9 : MAX T/B, SBW A/A 2x Great CD Dox : MAX T/B, SBW A/F Great CD/CC Kim : MAX T/B, SBW D/D Decent Arm/Arm Asamiya : MAX T/B, SBW A/D Decent HA/RD Lilith : MAX T/B, SBW A/D Decent Rpen/Res Koxinga : MAX T/B, SBW A/F Great Rpen/Eva Blake : MAX T/B, SBW A/F Great CD/CC Jinkyung : MAX T/B, SBW D/D 2x Great HP Terry : MAX T/B, SBW A/F Decent Apen/CC Teresa : MAX T/B, SBW A/F Great CD/CC Spyro : MAX T/B, SBW A/F Great Apen/CC Demeter : MAX T/B, SBW A/F Great CD/CC Vesper : MAX T/B, SBW A/F Great CD/CC Little Girl : MAX T/B, SBW A/F Decent CD/CC Isabel : T/+4 B/MAX, No SBW Rugal : T/+4 B/MAX, SBW A/F Decent Apen/CC Tia : T/+4 B/MAX, SBW A/A 2x Great CD Benjamin : T/+4 B/MAX, SBW A/A Decent Rpen/CD Mew : T/+4 B/MAX, SBW F/F Decent Eva/Eva Woompa : T/+4 B/MAX, SBW F/F Decent Eva/Eva Nurspy : Not Maxed, SBW A/A Decent Rpen/HA 5* Heroes : Joan, Susanoo, Monte, Kaori, Victoria, Lionel, Thor, Alexander, Drake, Stanya, Captain, Pyrrha, Hanzo, Giparang, Mamba, Violet, Archon, Sasquatch, Uriel, Yeowodong and Seiren. 4* Heroes : Leon x3, Koxinga, Bihyeongrang, Kriemhild, Niven, Atalante, Teresa x2, Maxi, Crow, Vincent, Scarlet, Nazrune, Viola, Vesper, Stein, Melissa and Aria 3* Event Heroes : Tapunyan, Fergus, Runaway Fergus x2 and Tycon Wang. 4* SBW: Leon A/A, Susanoo A/F, Monte A/F, Kaori A/F, Uzimant A/F, Koxinga A/F, Lionel F/F, Rochefort D/F, Vivian A/F, Abel D/D, Sien F/F, Kriem F/F, Pyrha D/F, Cain D/F, Teresa A/F, Maxi A/D, Crow A/F, Dartagnan A/A, Willheim A/F, Saiga D/F, Neo A/F, Layla F/F, Archon D/F, Nazrune D/F, Uriel A/F, Dorothy A/F, Cano A/D, Lilith D/D, Rachel D/F, Mondrian A/F, Necron A/A, Demeter A/A, Lupeow A/D, Stein A/D, Maria D/F, Melissa D/F, Mew D/D, Nightingale D/D, Chai A/F, Dara D/F, Bea A/F+D/F and Orfeo A/D Interested? My discord ID : myshyfly#3649 My Line ID : zefi_firmansyah I aready sell my 2 account and this is my last account I dont have PAYPAL Prefer Western Union cz its fast and easy
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