Sad story of lost legendmake sure to listen sad music when reading my story It was of March 8, 2016 when i first time stepped into unknown. [Censored Source] & playerup I used to play with passion and enjoying every moment of my journey to leaderboards but didn't see any point of my life by then. when 1.1 came i thought to myself, i was nothing, i had nothing, i wanted to be something in this because i didn't have anything else, i started using again, i enjoyed it while other said... "stop" "you are ruining everything" i didn't have much friends by then.... but those who supported my cheating. almost an year passed until 1.5 i started thinking maybe i should start using again.. i had dreams of conquering the world of darkness and short sightnings of light. i made it. My friend used to say back in 1.1 "you get three sticks" third is the last one.. but for me it wasn't R.I.P DeadEye Hunter 2k16 -Kupru banned in 13.12.2016