Hey, time to sell off some of my items. We trade in stronghold i dont go first, except with 200+ reps I have the following(everything is empty unless stated) Snipers 36 VSS 1,5 $ Shotguns offer 85 mossberg 34 kt decider 36 saiga 20 AA-12 30 saiga full 30 mossberg full Ammo 145 9mm mag offer 300 flare gun ammo offer 1 wincheters 0.25$ 4 .50bmg 0.15$ Backpacks 84 alice rucksack 0.20$ 94 Large backpack 0.15$ 10 santa sack 0.50$ 77 medium backpack 0.05$ misc offer 10+ recieps 30 riot shield 50 sandback 20 rangefinder 127 binocs Attachements offer, F-grip,tactical sniper, rifle laser wont go cheap 40 forward grip 40 compact scope 33 blackwater longrange 50 swiss arms scope 9x 22 pistol flashlight 11 pistol laser 12 holo 8 flash hinder 5 silencer 6 cleaner 6 pistol silencer 11 rifle laser 6 acog 4 reflex 21 tacitcal sniper scope 11 smg grip Gasoline and recipt items offer 177 rope 455 gasoline 160 barbed wire 86 nails 87 broom 153 charcoal 122 empty bottle 38 metal scrap add my on skype for further questions: [email protected] /* */ .;