My gw acc. has phrophecies, Factions and nightfall 1 extra char slot the factions pvp kit, Most characters have Nice equips. post here youre offers Ill offer you a steam acc with full of games. MSN: sorry but im looking for rappelz at the moment paypal??? that works 2... mind if i use a middleman? how we trade paypal with middle man How much r u looking for? I'll pay with paypal. Got a old rappelz acc with some 40+ char I think, cleric, got a evo2 orc, cash and some other nice items. The orc has some nice eq. aswell. If you're interested you could add me on msn, ok katla i added you hey, still got the account? if so would you want to trade it for my account ( old account havnt played rappelz in awhile) Server: Lydian Level 40 Cleric Level 40 Huna With level 40 Turtle. Have numerous different cards, around 5 cards sitting in AH. 3 mill sitting in Warehouse 1 SS in Warehouse (which is worth around 3 mill each atm ) i also have i think 3 ss and 2 epros (Epros cost around 13 - 15 mill each so if u can sell both, thats an easy +10 60 - 80 pet.. but its in another server) sitting in another server i cant really remember but if you are interested let me know and ill talk to you on msn or something. i can send you screenshots aswell of what ive got with the account. email is cheers mate.