My diablo 3 Account for HON legacy account [playerup Verified + REPPED]

Discussion in 'Heroes of Newerth Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/13/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    I want to trade my diablo 3 account for a hon legacy account. It doesnt matter what MMR u have, I am playerup verified no scammers please.

    Please message me your skype account name.

    I do not remember what paragon level the account is, but I know for sure it is at LEAST level 30

    thejokerffs on skype

    hey, interested if you havent traded yet. name on skype is braytac3 , have a hon legacy 1570 account

    Add me skype Tammikilpi if still interested

    i buy too hon account,i pay battlefield 3

    my skype: shay11114

    hey bro in skype my name is werbzenidio i got legacy hon acount with many avatars anouncers and gold avatars allso +subacount 0 games so is like 2 a counts :0 and i am intrested in d3 acc how my skype is webzenidio
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