Selling My blog that I earn money on

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Games, 7/29/15.

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  1. Games

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    Hey guys.

    Me and 6 mates from my school-class decided to make a blog about breakfast, and added AdSense on it. We have been doing this for a few days, and are up to a stable 5$ a day from the ads. And all this for only 1 day of "work"! I was hoping maybe I could drive in a little traffic from here. We post every day with new tips to breakfasts, so check it out!

    Warnin: Blog is written in Norwegian, but you can use google translate on the webpage, and it should be pretty accurate.

    Link: Frokostbloggen

    Give me a good hint on "fyllamat" xD Nice with banana and fishcakes btw ;P


    Originally Posted by Glupus

    Give me a good hint on "fyllamat" xD Nice with banana and fishcakes btw ;P

    "Fyllamat", as in food you eat after you wake up? As this is a blog for breakfast only :/

    Your blog is making me too hungry to even put in the effort to hit the translate button.
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