I am selling my account in Last shelter survival because the game has gotten boring to meandi don't want to let all my hard work go to waist. Power: 20M Units Defeated: 49M Building Power: 1M Tech Power: 2.1M Hero Power:4.4M Troops: Full T9 Vehicles -Heroes: Forsaken one Destroya Shoota man Razor Arsenal Reaper Dawn Ggrardian Iron guard S2 The Panther S3 Major Anastasia Nastya S3 Wings Of liberty S3 Farseer S4 Juggernaut S4 Duce -Develop heroes: Carpenter The Taskman Foreman Chrome The Patriot Billions in RSS 1 migration tickets Range 1-461 I have spent alot of money in this Game and I don't want to let it go to waist. --Your Government ID is Required to purchase to ensure there is no Fraud. My Line is ⭐⭐FURY⭐⭐ Add me For more Info.