- Level: 660 - 18/04/2016 10 kk gold, 43 gems - Full Upgraded Castle level 3 training fields - Total Armor: 191/210 - 3 Silver Coin - Armors: 11 Dragonforged Magnificent Robes (Maxed) Soulbound scalemail + set (Maxed) Soulbound scalemail (lvl 1) Deepsea Destroyer + set (Maxed) Pelagic Platemail (Maxed) Eye of Tiamat (Maxed) Jurassic Scalemail(Maxed) Prehistoric HUntsguard (maxed) Harmonic Battlegear (Maxed) Pegasus Championplate (Lvl 87) Avian Aegis (Lvl 1) - Armors: 5* Plus Angelic Battlemail + x2 (1 Maxed) Centauric Blazeguard + (Maxed) Ancestor Regalia + (lvl 1) Dread-pirate Finery + (Maxed) Manipulator's Soulplate + x3 (Maxed) Shell-shocked Battleplate + (Maxed) Gunslinger's Trappings + (Maxed) Technomancer Armor + x2 (Maxed) Chaotic Hellguard + x3 (2 maxed) Dervish's Regalia + (Maxed) Explorer's Piecemail + x2 (Maxed) Kirin Vanguard + (maxed) Raptor Embrace + x2 (Maxed) Overgrown Lifelate + (Maxed) Robes of the jackal + Maxed Summoner's Garb + (Maxed) Vargar Raiment + (Maxed) Robes of permafrost + (Maxed) Minos Wargear + (Maxed) Voidwalker's Shelter + x2 (Maxed) Royal Battlegear + (Maxed) Crystal Shadowgear + (maxed) Firestorm Vanguard + x3 (2 Maxed) Crystal Ethermail + (maxed) Champion's Battlegear + (Maxed) Glacial Regalia + (lvl 1) Brightwind + (lvl 1) Riverborn Aegis + (lvl 1) - 254 Rings and 270 Amulets (A Lot of full DF set: Serpentine Prey, Jormungandr's Ascent, Soulburner Eruption, Jugong Charge, Persephone curse, Hayline Landscape, Erinyes Vengance, Ancient Taxa, Spectral, Astral Signs, Mastodon's Fossils, Earthworn Treasures, Heroic Flora) - Crafting Materials: 5/12 Shadowforged Agni's Offering 330/600 Hyaline Sleetrobes - Pets: 96 3* Skybreeze Tier II x2 (Level 57/70 and level 1/70) 3* Clubtail Tier I (level 32/70) 2* Claytusk Tier III (level 52/60) 2* Riverspine Tier III (level 23/60) 2* Blastdive Tier III (Level 1/60) 2* Heatstalk Tier II (Level 1/60) 1* x5 Tier III (One for each Symbol) - Hunting Ground Multicolored Pepper x7 Assorted Bean x30 Mixed Berry x34 Blended Seed x 435 Price: 60€ Line: freddyftw