Selling My account level is 1923 with: 3000 attack 2980...

Discussion in 'Lords of Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Zla Beštija, 9/6/12.

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  1. Zla Beštija

    Zla Beštija
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    My account level is 1923 with: 3000 attack 2980 defence 4090 health 4345 energy 3735 stamina 316434 atack 317298 defence 549 mafia size 166 Godfather Points for you to use them. all cities finished except London which is 2/3 finnished everything vaulted it has extra full sets for trading fight level 25 with 47213 victory points robbing lvl 10 Grand master thief chop shop, weapons shop, armory, private zoo UPGRADED TO MAX offers in inbox please
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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