Selling MUST SELL MY M.S. ACCOUNT! !!! Got a family...

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jason Jankowski, 5/12/16.

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  1. Jason Jankowski

    Jason Jankowski
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    MUST SELL MY M.S. ACCOUNT! !!! Got a family emergency so i am forced to sell my 27M power account...commander is level 50 vip prestige level 9...all buildings are lvl 19 ready for level 20...i fot hit by a lvl21 with 189m in power and i lost no troops compared to his you kbow this account os built right.. got to much to list so pm me for details and offer
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    Isis Rafeekey Johnson

    Isis Rafeekey Johnson
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    How much
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  3. OP
    Jason Jankowski

    Jason Jankowski
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    That hit I took was when i was 22m in power since then i got my traps researched to 9 they were 8 when i got hit...
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