Sold Must have account! Raid ready sader + others!

Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by juicefighter, 7/18/17.

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  1. juicefighter

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    sader has 2.1k vitality and spirit with +10 jupiter cross and metal line belt that increases apoc another level.
    also has 9 piece vow of silence set.

    weapon master has various epics/legendaries with a legendary lightsabre and blundgeon with good swap gear that makes overdrive up to +17 now. also it has 100+ both water and shadow damage.

    alios and dimension walker both have full halidom + 3 set gracia+ 3 piece ov set

    most characters have advanced avatar sets and sader has full rare set.
    another thing to mention is the 2 female priests have the +12 halidom weapon, and one has lib

    asking price is $250 contact me here in dm's or on skype at juicefighter:cool:
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