Multiple MMO Accounts for Sale

Discussion in 'All Other Game & Marketplace Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Games, 11/15/13.

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    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    selling lvl 74 runescape account makes great cash and is p2p

    Account Information
    selling a lvl 74 acc with great skills and is p2p for about 20more days look up criminal118 if u want.. pm me in game at gods 0f azn or post here and steelersfan2006@mns thanks

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    SELLIGN LVL 126,125,90 RS ACC MUTS L00K CRAZY1!@~~!

    Account Information

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information

    Account Information
    hi i am selling 2 lvl 100 runescape accounts. one have 92 range 90 mage 86 str 73 def. another has 88 str 81 att 74 def. they both have members. email me back at delljhnsn@ or me at delljhnsn@

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTT 70 UD male lock and 70 BE female priest.

    Account Information
    Both are ready to be transferred. gear is blue/few kara epics. I'd like a Female rogue lvl 68+ for it or a female NE hunter. Add crazy_sk8er_from_hell@ to discuss Greets,

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Runescape Account for Sale

    Account Information
    stats are there , im selling for 1Mil - Add Coopernator ingame , or Buy_Lobbies. We do 50/50 , i tell you half of pass , u give me money then i give you the other half of pass.

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Selling lvl 49 Pure Hybrid! RS2 Owns good!

    Account Information
    I am selling my Pure Hybrid, It owns very good! i even have got a full zamorak kill with it! These are my stats, it can hit over 13 without prayer or a pot, With it can hit over 18 - 19! If u are interested add me on : teunissenmark@ or send a mail, i am thinking of 800k rs cash for it.! thats very cheap because i just spend 1 mil on prayer level 43! Tha name is: Twk Phr33k

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information

    Account Information
    Hear is the info.. i lost a 116 rs account because of this 14 year old scammer/goober. Can i assist you? ajgasd says: ill trade a wow acc for ur 116 kevin says: Ok ajgasd says: name? kevin says: p3r str kevin says: what about your account? what lvls on the account does it have ajgasd says: member? kevin says: ajgasd says: lvl 70 orc rouge ajgasd says: and 54 kevin says: Aight ajgasd says: cant play anymore ajgasd says: game uninstalled miness well play rs ajgasd says: urs got rec/. kevin says: Yes, dont kNow them, so i tryed to make New ones. will be activated in 12 days though ajgasd says: ok. ajgasd says: idk my sercret answer ajgasd says: so its fair kevin says: ok, will you let me change the contact info? once we trade ajgasd says: ummm kevin says: Youl get a email saying im trying to change contact info kevin says: once we trade.. if we trade ajgasd says: ok kevin says: so... whats name of 70 orc rogue. i wanna look him up in historics. kevin says: mean armory ajgasd says: 1sec ajgasd says: gota find ajgasd says: the acc has afew other charecters also. kevin says: ok. well, can you tell me just one of them? like the lvl 70 ajgasd says: i bought my acc ajgasd says: 1sec kevin says: k ajgasd says: i havnt played on the acc so it may not be orc thats wat i was tolkd. ajgasd says: i no its 70 tho kevin says: k kevin says: ok wanna trade? ajgasd says: Ace 70 Tussle Tichondrius Bloodlust 100 ajgasd says: thats the 70 kevin says: ace? ajgasd says: i think thats it ajgasd says: no w8 it isnt ajgasd says: hold on ajgasd says: will u trade for my acc i bought a while ago the 70 has 4 70s on it ajgasd says: this has ajgasd says: 10/10/5/60/38/52/19/14/24/11/6 ajgasd says: is that ok or do u want the 4 70s ajgasd says: holy love you ajgasd says: the acc has like 6 70s kevin says: ok. ill trade for 6 70s then ajgasd says: o w8 wrong acc lol ajgasd says: 1sec ajgasd says: leme get to the right armory im srry kevin says: ....k ajgasd says: ill loink u armory kevin says: k ajgasd says: i found it kevin says: do you k wo user and pass to the acc? ajgasd says: yes kevin says: k, link armory for me pleas ajgasd says: ://armory.worldofwarcraft/search.xml?searchType=all&searchQuery=blackjackk&p=1&sf=relevance&sd=a ajgasd says: it has a 62 and 70 kevin says: gota k w the name to find which one is your acc.... ajgasd says: blackjackk kevin says: found it. kevin says: lets trade ajgasd says: 1sec ajgasd says: who 1st? kevin says: you if u dont mind.. i got lil bit more to lose. kevin says: offence ajgasd says: i could lose just as much ajgasd says: how old r u? ajgasd says: jw' kevin says: 17 kevin says: you? ajgasd says: 14 kevin says: Ok so how we gona do this.. ajgasd says: if u go 1st can we do over fone? kevin says: Sure, id be glad to do over ohone but my family is sleeping Lol.... ajgasd says: u can call me ajgasd says: and be quit kevin says: ill go first and when i say the info you tell me yours how about that. ajgasd says: ok i wana chek 1st ajgasd says: ill take about 20 secs to chek the pw ajgasd says: pw? kevin says: k ajgasd says: what is his pw? kevin says: why you asking me? its your account ajgasd says: no to ur rs acc ajgasd says: lol kevin says: oh ajgasd says: u said ud go 1st kevin says: Heh its. kevin123 ajgasd says: ok 1sec kevin says: your user and pass pleas? ajgasd says: loading kevin says: k ajgasd says: user name blackofjack ajgasd says: pw blackjak1233 ajgasd says: i tihnk ajgasd says: if wrong tell me' ajgasd says: i got 3 passes to 3 accs ajgasd says: 1 of thems right kevin says: its wrong ajgasd says: ok. ajgasd says: try system10111233 kevin says: wrong ajgasd says: ok ajgasd says: this is it then ajgasd says: its 1022systemofa ajgasd says: w8 ajgasd says: wrong 1 kevin says: wrong... ajgasd says: srry kevin says: dude comon.. whats pass ajgasd says: btw do u no pin kevin says: Tell me pass ... and ill tell you pin ajgasd says: o wrong acc lol ajgasd says: name panic409 ajgasd says: pass system526 ajgasd says: wats pin kevin says: wrOng again ajgasd says: wtf? ajgasd says: 1sec ill rec kevin says: Wrong just tried it.. ajgasd says: ill recover acc ajgasd says: hold on kevin says: Wait thought you forgot the secret question? ajgasd says: to this 1 i no em ajgasd says: idk to the 60-s kevin says: ok well... i need user and pass man ajgasd says: after pin u get secrets kevin says: k ajgasd says: ill get pw hold on kevin says: k kevin says: well? ajgasd says: 1sec its sending to my email;kevin says: Dont have anymore patience.. ajgasd says: hold on im srry kevin says: shouldn't take this long to check your email ajgasd says: k got it ajgasd says: leme open email kevin says: And? ajgasd says: itl take 5 seconds hold on p[lease. ajgasd says: ok its opening kevin says: .... ajgasd says: im really sorryajgasd says: WGEYB4PPCJNBZNF ajgasd says: thats pass ajgasd says: wats pin? kevin says: hold. im checking ajgasd says: ok.. ajgasd says: pin? ajgasd says: wats pin? kevin says: hold.. ajgasd says: dude wat r u doing? kevin says: making sure you said right pass ajgasd says: ok. ajgasd says: copy and paste kevin says: k ajgasd says: pin? kevin says: wont let me change contact info ajgasd says: ok. ajgasd says: i wnt rec if u dnt ajgasd says: wats pin kevin says: should be like 4527 kevin says: just bought the rs account 3 hours ago ajgasd says: incorect ajgasd says: wats pin kevin says: uh kevin says: told you. just bought rs acc 3 hours ago. gota wait 5 days. you should already have full rune/wip/obby shield on him. kevin says: wait lemme ask the Xowner whom i bought it from kevin says: dude.. just checked and there is NO characters on this account ajgasd says: yes there is.. ajgasd says: WTF kevin says: just checked.. logged in fourms. says toon availible kevin says: whats the realm one of them is on? ajgasd says: theres a 70 ajgasd says: idk ajgasd says: get pin for me.. plz kevin says: trying.. mean while .. i gota think about how there is toon on this account.. if youd tell me what server. ajgasd says: idk wen i get pin ill give u a acc that im posotive therws a 69 on kevin says: he said you gota wait 5 days till bank is open ajgasd says: y he dsnt no it? kevin says: i dunNo... he quit rs Long time ago ajgasd says: o ajgasd says: ask him if he nos recoveries kevin says: thanks for trading me a account with character kevin says: ... ajgasd says: in 5 days ill give u a 69 ajgasd says: i duno wat hapend to 70 kevin says: ............ hell ajgasd says: but im p****d kevin says: me too.. you scammed me.. thers NO toon on this account ajgasd says: i didnt ajgasd says: sum1 mustve deleted kevin says: ......... kevin says: ok ... whats a ther account then ajgasd says: wats that guys email ajgasd says: kevin says: i tell you and you better gimme a account with a 60+ ajgasd says: ok. kevin says: deaditeswalk@ kevin says: ok.... tell me a account name and pass with 60+ toon. ajgasd says: wen he accepts request u get pw kevin says: omg. ajgasd says: hes not on is he... kevin says: NO... you dont get me a account right w with a 60+ deal is is a totalt scamm your trying to pull off. ajgasd says: ummm kevin says: i gave you what you wanted... later just email the dude for pin ajgasd says: u no the recoveries dnt u kevin says: ajgasd says: ... kevin says: you got 2 min to tell me a wow account or deal is off ajgasd says: im not telling u 116s pw till he sighns on kevin says: Reporting you to kevin says: scammer.. ajgasd says: w.e kevin says: fine... ill just report you from runescape and get your 116 banned how you liek that? ajgasd says: so,, ill just take everything off account... god i love scamming ^_^

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTT [A] 70 Warrior for 50+ Shaman.

    Account Information
    I want to trade my 70 Human Warrior for a [H] or [A] Shaman, can be lower that 50 but would rather 50+. Please me at steeleizahsum@ or send me an email on the topic. Scammers. Don't waste your time.

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTT 70 Human Rogue..|US|PVP|Epics|Xfer Up|

    Account Information
    WTT 70 Human Rogue. He has a few epics....keyd for all heroics and kara attuned. Xfer is up, and the acc also has a 52 dranei priest. Im looking for a alliance warrior.... your charr must have the xfer up and he must be on a pvp realm. US only Im not too picky about gear....just don't have a greenfest. Will provide cd keys...sqa...and email changes. AIM: Gotzhyphy : warchild221@ Xfire: Layzerbeam

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    sellign lvl 125,3mil !~@~! best offer thsi my last acc 4sale

    Account Information
    hi my lvl 125acc is my last acc becaue sijust sold my lvl 90 and 126 you can still look at the picas at my web page freewebs/runescapea4sale im sleligns o low becaues he has relay nothign g00d in his banka nd im makeign my pure
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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