Selling  Unranked Account  Average  1-48 Hours Multiple Game Accounts(PC and Mobile)

Discussion in 'CSGO Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell CS:GO Accounts' started by Zohaib Fakhi, 12/30/24.

  1. Zohaib Fakhi

    Zohaib Fakhi
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    Steam Account(7 year+service,45+ games,9500+ Achievements,lvl-23,31 badges,14 profile awards,183 inventory items from multiple games,CS2 Prime status), Valorant Account(Elderflame vandal,vandal prelude to chaos,vandal reaver,glitchpop operator,marshall soveirign,prime phantom,vandal araxys,vandal endeavor,ion vandal,Reverie Sword,few free pistol skins,lvl 121,Peak rank Gold 3) CODM Account(OG S1 account,lvl 200+,4x MP Legendary,6 legendary guns,100+epic weapons,50+epic characters,500+cp,70,000+ credits,multiple purchased battlepasses), Battlenet Account(Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Deluxe Edition,Warzone 1,2),PUBGM Account(lvl 43,6 year old account,20,000+BP,1030 G-Cards,5 Outfits,3 weapon skins,1 helmet skin,5 emotes,1 Parachute skin,3 interactive emotes,4 Grafitti,Multiple Clothing items including og season 4 ranked clothes),NFS No Limits Account(lvl-57,15 cars,60,000+ credits,500+ gold),Assassins Creed Origins Gold Edition,8 Ball Pool Account(lvl-65,50+ cues,60,000+ coins,21 cash,18.54 Million winning's)