Resolved Multiple (duplicate) feedbacks from the same Buyer

Discussion in 'Feedback - Open A Claim' started by mathewmj1977, 2/22/21.

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  1. mathewmj1977

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    How to Report a Feedback Dispute
    Please fill out all 6 questions below. You must provide proof or your claim cannot be validated.

    1. Date Dispute Happened
    January 26, 2021

    2. Are You The Buyer or Seller
    I'm the Seller

    3. Total Transaction Value

    4. Other Members Username

    5. Why Should The Feedback Be Removed

    The Buyer purchased a service from us which couldn't be delivered timely on PlayerUp and he decided to cancel it. It was an escrow-payment and we were not paid for it (not until we deliver the service and the Buyer confirms its deliver). The Buyer received his refund from Middleman and the order was closed.

    To compensate for the time loss that the Buyer experienced, we tried to compensate him and unfortunately it also did not work out very well with him. At the end he left us a negative feedback.

    We accept any valid feedback from any customer, whether it is positive or negative based on their experience; however the Buyer has left TWO FEEDBACKS on multiple occasions which is totally unfair and unaccounted for. The Buyer's experience counts, but it should be registered within a single feedback.

    We urge the moderators to remove the second feedback from the same Buyer. All the relevant links are posted below.

    6. Provide All Chat Logs, Screenshots and Additional Information Below

    • Feedback-1:

    • Feedback-2:
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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