Sold Multiple Dark Orbit Accounts for Sale

Discussion in 'Dark Orbit Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Inez, 2/4/14.

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  1. Inez

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    level - 19 - VRU - rank colonel ~460,000
    experience - ~1,900,000,000 honour- ~15,500,500
    uridium - ~1,190,000 credits - 1,000,000,000
    LF3- 35
    SG3N B02- 34
    G3N-7900- 21
    CPUs- all trade Repair credits 1,011

    x2 - 507 000 x3 - 184 000 sab - 18 000
    x4 - 120 000
    plt-2021 - 4200 pld-3030 - 2250 xenomit - 112 200

    designs - Enforser, Bastion, Exalted, Veteran, Solace
    pilot bio - 34
    tech : slots - 2, Precision targeter 822, Energy leech - 11
    skylab - all 20 lvl
    galaxy gates: alpha - open + 34/34, beta - open + 40/48, gamma - open + 71/82

    Global America

    Ep : + 780.000.000
    honor : + 4.500.000
    alpha : 1 open
    beta : 0
    gamma : 1 open
    + infini extra ( all extra and more in invontory ) 1590 repair credit and 140 jump credit
    35 pilot bio
    all skylbe lvl 20
    seprom lvl 18
    pet lvl 13
    and premium
    and Vru

    Global Europe

    Full elite Goliath level 17 account
    Both Diminisher and Sentinel designs
    All Galaxy gates Completed and 80% open
    All equipment and extras.
    Pilot Bio = 25/50
    Full level 20 skylab with max resources
    Premium activated
    3 Tech production lines

    Level 4 P.E.T

    Great Britain

    17 lvl (500mln EXP)
    FULL Skylab
    3slots in hightech
    1,6mln x4 ammo and much much other
    Alfa,beta gamma, zeta on reward
    Acc got all designs from trade
    39 Pilot Points
    31LF4 + some LF3, shields, speed gens
    180 booty keys

    USA East Coast

    company- mmo
    level- 17
    exp- 341,124,00
    honor- 4,000,000
    rank- captain/72,000/ only 9 times shot down by enemy
    bio- 31 points
    skylab- lvl 20
    tech center- 3 slots/50 shields/45 battle repair/ 45 energy leech
    credits 197,000,000
    uri- 700,000
    cpu- all + 2 xl cloak
    designs- all regular but no skill designs
    gates- first 3 rings/ last 3 gates open but not gone through + 700= spins
    drones- 8 iris upgraded to lvl 4
    pet- lvl 12 /120,000 hp/7 lf3/10 bo2/1 lvl 3 kamakazi/12 lvl 3 laser protocol
    ship- FE but no lf4
    x4- 808,000
    rsb- 104,000
    emp- 518
    hellstorm 10,000
    x2- 949,000
    x3- 378,000
    sab- 500,000
    2021- 24,000
    3030- 2000
    dcr- 267
    uber- 2700

    USA East

    lvl 18
    10 lf4s, 37 Bio points and 10 drones with 7 havocs FE account.
    x2- over 3mil
    x3-over 300k
    x4-over 600k
    drones are upgraded to lvl 12s ,11s and 10s
    40k uri and 100mil creds and still increasing
    Lvl 15 pet with all protocols, everyone one there is
    All designs bid and uri designs (venom and diminisher etc.)

    Global EU 1

    full elite(8 iris, full elite equipment)
    ep: 680,000,000 +
    level: 18
    honor: 1,600,000 +
    pet lvl 6
    24 pilot points

    Global Europe 4

    level 16
    ~250.000 exp
    ~100.000.000 credits, and send with skylab in every day, he doesnt play anymore
    ~150.000 uridum
    31 lf 3 + 1 LF4
    16 elite shield
    all speed generators
    goliath full elite
    all best cpus
    ~100.000 x2 ~40.000 x3 ~4.000 sab
    ~16.000 x4 ~6.000 RSB
    ACM ~800 pld8 ~1000 pld 2021 ~1300
    design enforcer, bastion, veteran, crimson, VENOM

    pilot bio: 30 points (defence is at maximum, shoot fat lasers)
    tech: 2 open slots
    skylab all level 20, seprom 20
    selling drone

    galaxy gates: alpha open + 30/34, beta open + 44/48, gamma open.. zeta 102/111 (5 circles on ship)

    (click and after 5 sec. skip add)

    Global Europe 3

    level 19
    ~1.624.000.000 exp ~ 5,751,000 honor points
    ~5.400.000 credits ~2.900 uridum
    38 LF3 + 1 LF4
    43 elite shield
    all speed generators
    goliath full elite
    all best cpus
    ~623.000 x2
    ~304.000 x3
    ~1.210.000 x4
    ~1.006.000 sab
    desgn Venom, Spectrum, Amber, Sentinel, Diminisher

    PET lvl 10 [Hit points 150.000/150.000, Lasers 6/6,
    shield generators 12/12, gear 6/6, protocols 10/12]
    pilot bio: 43 points
    tech: 3 open slots
    skylab all level 20, seprom 20
    selling drone

    galaxy gates: Gamma

    (click and after 5 sec. skip add)

    Global America

    level 18
    ~ exp
    ~5.000.000 hon
    ~170.000.000 credits
    31 LF3
    21 B02 elite shield
    goliath full elite
    all best cpus
    ~60.000 x2
    ~17.000 x3
    ~12.000 x4
    ~50.000 sab
    jump credits ~1100
    ACM 1500
    pld8 17000
    17 jump cpu2
    5 cpu 50 cloak

    PET lvl 10 + kamikaze 3, auto-looter 3
    pilot bio: 24 points
    tech: 2 open slot
    skylab all level 20, seprom 20
    design: exalted, crimson, enforcer, bastion, veteran, amber, SOLACE, DIMINISHER, SENTINEL

    galaxy gates: gamma 70/82, zeta 68/111

    (click and after 5 sec. skip add)

    Great Britain

    level 19, VRU, 6 circles
    ~Exp 1,917,500,000 ~Honor 16,173,126
    ~rank almost Colonel
    ~316.000.000 credits ~118.000 uridium
    16 lf4 nivel 7 + alot of LF3,shields and speed generators
    Apis + Zeus, 8 iris, 15 havocs all nivel 16, 45 Apis charges again

    All best cpus
    ~2.783.173 x2 ~526.651 x3 ~1.507.712 sab
    ~400.416 x4 ~52.810 RSB
    ACM ~10.844 emp 44, UBR 51.216
    pld8 ~11.166 pld 3030 ~ 9298
    design ALL with ability for GOLIATH (without SENTINEL and DIMINISHER) and ALL with ability for VENGEANCE and (AMBER mmo orange)
    pilot bio: 34 points
    tech: 3 open slots
    skylab: Seprom lvl 16 all almost 20
    PET lvl 15 (11 alien damage protocols) radar lvl 3 kamikase lvl 3 robot repair lvl 3
    enemy location lvl 3 auto-looter lvl 3

    (click and after 5 sec. skip add)

    America Global 2

    level - 19 - VRU - rank colonel ~460,000
    experience - ~1,900,000,000 honour- ~15,500,500
    uridium - ~1,190,000 credits - 1,000,000,000
    LF3- 35
    SG3N B02- 34
    G3N-7900- 21
    CPUs- all trade Repair credits 1,011

    x2 - 507 000 x3 - 184 000 sab - 18 000
    x4 - 120 000
    plt-2021 - 4200 pld-3030 - 2250 xenomit - 112 200

    designs - Enforser, Bastion, Exalted, Veteran, Solace
    pilot bio - 34
    tech : slots - 2, Precision targeter 822, Energy leech - 11
    skylab - all 20 lvl
    galaxy gates: alpha - open + 34/34, beta - open + 40/48, gamma - open + 71/82

    (click and after 5 sec. skip add)

    Great Britain

    Level 17
    Rang - Chief Major
    Goliaht , Diminisher + Solace
    Irisi 8 + Apis + 1 havoc and 3 lf4
    GG : 33/34 Alpfa , Zeta 75/111
    Uridium : 80.000
    556 repair credits
    4.700 jump credits
    PET LVL 11
    31PP Points , need 231 lgf to make new pp
    All best cpus , full lf3 , full b02

    Ammo : 2.177.000

    X4 - 700.000
    X3 - 366.000
    X2 - 702.000
    X1 - 0 !!!

    SAB - 393.000
    RSB - 0

    (click and after 5 sec. skip add)

    Server-Deutschland 5
    Server-Deutschland 5
    Firma: VRU
    Level: 18
    Rang: Chief Major
    EP: ~660.000.000
    Ehre: ~3.000.000
    Credits: ~5.000.000
    Uridium: ~70.000

    Drohnen: 8 Iris
    Havoc-Designs: 0
    Laser: 34 LF3/1 LF4
    Schilde: 23 Elite Schilde
    Antriebe: 20 Elite Antriebe (+10)
    PET: Lvl 6

    MCB-25: ~290.000
    MCB-50: ~95.000
    USB-100: ~110.000
    SAB-50: ~45.000
    RSB-75: ~3.000



    Level: 15-20

    Tech Factory:
    2/3 Techhallen

    Item Upgrading
    1 LF4 [Lvl 4]

    (click and after 5 sec. skip add)

    Global Europa 2
    LvL 19
    8 Iris
    1 Apis
    9 Havoc Designs
    Pet LvL 15
    13 LF4
    31 LF3
    Venom, Solace und Dimisher Design
    34/50 FP

    (click and after 5 sec. skip add)

    Global EU 1
    - Ep
    - 1.100.000 Ehre
    - Major
    - EIC
    - Uridium: 20.000
    - Munition: 1.000.000

    - Drohnen: 7 Iris, 1 Havoc
    - Designs : Enforcer, Bastion, Exalted, Veteran
    - Laser: 3LF4 , 31LF3
    - Generatoren: 22 G790, 31 BO2
    - Alle notwendigen Cpu's

    - Alles 20 (Seprom 18)

    - 22 von 50 Forschungspunkten
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  2. manroop singh

    manroop singh
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    where can we contact you skype facebook??
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  3. mikey beattie

    mikey beattie
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    Can i buy the Great Britain

    17 lvl (500mln EXP)
    FULL Skylab
    3slots in hightech
    1,6mln x4 ammo and much much other
    Alfa,beta gamma, zeta on reward
    Acc got all designs from trade[​IMG]
    39 Pilot Points
    31LF4 + some LF3, shields, speed gens
    180 booty keys
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  4. Mythman24

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    I am interested in both USA East accounts, please email me at [email protected]

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  5. AnnoyingDutchMa

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    hi i am intersted at the global 2
    i bid 20 euro paysafecard?
    add me on skype for further trades
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