Sold [#] {multiple accounts with 5* for NA}

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/leinaud, 7/21/17.

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  1. /u/leinaud

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    First, I apologize if formatting is off, I'm a reddit newb!

    After finally getting what I wanted (well close to it anyway for a main and an alt. account), here are my worthy leftovers for you all.

    Sadly all accounts except #1 do not have the 4* voucher (I guess I didn't log in in time) but they do have the first gift from Gil including all the materials, QP and 3 summon tickets.

    In order to be fair, I will use the time-stamped replies in this thread for giving the accounts out but I will send you a PM first to confirm before sending codes and passwords.


    Account 1: GONE

    Account 2: GONE

    Account 3: 5* Vlad 4* Emiya, Elizabeth Bathory, Carmilla, no voucher 5* CE Limited Zero/Over, Formal Craft 4* CE Gem Magecraft: Antumbra, Verdant Sound of Destruction, Projection, Iron-Willed Training

    Account 4: GONE

    Account 5: GONE

    Account 6: GONE

    Account 7: GONE

    Account 8: 5* Vlad 4* Tamamo Cat, no voucher 5* CE Heaven's feel x2, Kaleidoscope 4* CE Angel's Song, Divine Banquet x2, The Imaginary Element, Verdant Sound of Destruction, Gem Magecraft: Antumbra, Iron-Willed Training

    Account 9: GONE

    # #/leinaud
    . .
    #1 /u/leinaud, 7/21/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 7/28/17
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