Selling  MTGA ACCOUNT: 492 RARE, 105 MYTHIC, 174 WILDCARDS, 7K GEMS, 31K GOLD... $150

Discussion in 'Magic The Gathering Arena Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Wadladoudla, 7/29/19.

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  1. Wadladoudla

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    First of all, I am a trustworthy MTG seller (been selling P9 and Workshop, I have an arm-long list of references on Facebook. - just ask).

    We are expecting a baby and I won't have much time to play any more in the near future, so I have decided to sell my MTG Arena account.
    Please find below a list of the main items, I can send you some inventory pics on request.

    (Statistics saved as of July 29th, 2019 as I'm creating this topic. I may still play with my account but without spending any gem/gold)

    Gold: 31,775
    Gems: 6,960
    MWC : 20
    RWC : 25
    UWC: 81
    CWC: 48
    Vault progress: 65.4%
    1846 common cards
    1370 uncommon cards
    492 rare cards
    105 Mythic rare cards

    Current level: 38 (need 100EXP until next level)
    I also have some additional card styles, as well as a couple limited edition card arts (full art Llanowar Elves and Ghalta, Unhinged Forest, stained-glass planeswalkers, etc.).

    One last thing, I didn't purchase the "Explorer Bundle" (3,500 Gems for 15USD), so it's still available in the Store.

    I am asking 150USD for my account OBO.
    Payment by Paypal only.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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