Selling  High End MTG Arena Account READY for New Year Rotation Plenty of Gold/50 packs Eldraine /gems/Wilds/Cards/+++

Discussion in 'Magic The Gathering Arena Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Zodmaster, 9/17/19.

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  1. Zodmaster

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    Will sell it for the rotation (September 26) with all of these:

    · Pre Purchased Throne of Eldraine Bundle (50$US +taxes; 50 packs+bonus)

    · 140k of gold (actually 125k but 140k at the rotation)

    · Wild already in your possession: 50 common; 65 uncommon; 5 rare; 4 Mythic. By opening the 50 Eldraine pre purchased boosters, you will get 9 more rare/Mythic and 6 uncommon (wheel of wilds rewards).

    · Over 4k gems

    · Vault will be over 300% after pre release packs opened (already 270%). Its 18 Wilds

    · Ranked Gold or Higher (try to reach Mythic but at least between 2 to 5 more packs M20)

    · Lot of cosmetics and Mastery pass completed.

    · Expansion STATS with MTGA Tracker: unique/all (4 of each):

    · 34% / 50% Ixalan*

    · 40% / 57% Rivals of Ixalan*

    · 64% / 90% Dominaria*

    · 62% / 83% M19*

    · 97% / 99% Guilds or Ravnica**

    · 96% / 100% Ravnica Allegience**

    · 96% / 100% War of Spark**

    · 71% / 81% M20** (will be a bit higher at September 26, almost all the best cards already crafted)

    · 9% / 9%** Throne of Eldraine (already win those with quest)

    · *: Playable in historic mode September 26

    · **: Playable in the next standard rotation September 26. Almost all the cards.

    · You have 4050 of 4516 cards for the next standard year

    · You have 1085 of 1147 unique cards for the next standard year

    · Total of 2457 Common; 2324 Uncommon; 1098 Rare; 256 Mythic (Historic+Standard)

    You can see that I invest wisely in the cards available for the next standard mode.

    Value is over 1000$ US (I personally invest over 600$USD, just for packs & wilds to have a great collection) and a lot of time saved to get all the rewards/gold’s (almost do all the daily reward since I start in October 2018). It was a lot of fun but I will not be able to play often anymore (I should already stop but want to complete all the stuff until rotation).

    I know that I can’t get the value of what I paid. I just want A REAL MTG FAN to enjoy my collection and be able to appreciate the time a spent to collect all of this. Also, the game will not be in Beta anymore so a lot of great things will be add/upgrade in the next months (Historic/Standard mode, Tournaments, Ranking, Mastery pass, Brawl? (they try it this month it was sick), and a lot more. WOC listening to players and they don’t wait to make adjustment if things are not like players want. Of course this is my own account (and the only one).

    If you have questions let me know. You can join me on Discord (ZodMaster#2081). I’m also a moderator on Twitch for a streamer if you want some references. I also have a MTGA Pro Tracker Account and can send you pictures of any of what you want about my MTGA account.

    You can also make an offer too and I will reply if it’s a fair one. If it’s under what I want I will accept the best one September 25 (because 26... IT’S THE DAY!) but I think its a fair deal. Will accept Interac Transfert or PayPal. If you prefer come here (Montreal) we can do it live together.
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