Sold MS144k, 35kDiamonds, AllEqSets + 1kCraftShrds, 4.3kSP, CP39, 980+CardLvl, 560+RL

Discussion in 'Tap Titans Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Chesiroth, 3/26/23.

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  1. Chesiroth

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    MS could be a lot higher but I've become to lazy to play the main game. Exact stats available if you contact me in discord; .SHADE#8261

    Here's an overview, rounded down:

    Players Stats:
    MS - 144,000
    Pets - 15,000
    Skill - 4300
    Hero Weap - 2600
    Hero Skill - 4500
    Badges - 10%×4, 30%x7, 80×18, no bronze

    Raid Stats:
    Raid Lv - 560
    Raid Dmg - 660
    Raid Cards - 980
    Lifetime Dust - 1.8mil
    PB and Totem both Lv50

    VIP Lv. 5

    Crafting Power 39 All equipment sets bought (mythic,legendary,rare). Currently missing a single summer event piece.

    Please contact me for further info on stats and cards or any other questions.
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