Selling MR8 3.5M credits 2.4k pl + way more

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by JustinBake, 3/25/15.

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  1. JustinBake

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    Hello community, I'm selling my warframe account because I don't play warframe anymore. This acc has 291 Hours of in-game playtime. The reason why I'm just MR 8 is because I played mainly just my favo weapons and frames :P I have build many weapons, so you dont have to build them anymore, and bought inventory slots so that you can start where I ended. I've merched this platinum and if you want any max mods, you should let me know so I can get them for you. but you're free to get them yourself of course. Thus this account is Mr8 and has many weapons unranked for you to play, 3.5 million credits and 2406 platinum. If you are intrested you should mail me on: [email protected], Also for screenshots/ footage. the price is #.

    Ember prime, frost prime, vauban, nova, nyx, rhino prime(All Maxed and formatet except Ember prime)

    - 17 primary weapons (mentionables: Boltor Prime, Soma, Dread(these are max Format) | Paris prime, Penta and way more.
    - 12 secondary
    - 16 melee weapons

    Arcane Helmets
    Arcane aurora helmet, Arcane vespa helmet(150pl), Arcane chorus helmet.

    Coltec senital pack(45pl), Daedalus armor pack(100Pl), Eos prime chestplate(Void trader)
    Color packs (75pl each): Classic saturated, Easter, smoke colors, tenno
    Syadana: Pyra(75pl), Uru(50pl)

    Some Mentionable mods:
    - Redirection(max) 2x
    - Redirection(R9)
    - Vitality(R9)
    - Serration(max)
    - Serration(R8)
    - Blind Rage(R5)
    - Narrow minded(r9)
    - Primed continuity(R8)
    Continuity, Flow, streamline, Overextended, Intensify, Quick thinking, Split Chamber, Vital sense, Shred, Berserker, fleeting expertise, Hammershot, contitution, malicious raptor, bleeding willow, tempo royal, spoiled strike and like every other mod(all maxed)

    Mentionable items:
    Many prime stuff, Loki prime bp, Soma prime Bp, Nova Prime Bp, Nova prime helmet Bp and more!

    - - - Updated - - -

    The price of this account, has gone to offering, there is no stock price anymore, so no 125$. Just when I feel like that it is enough
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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