So, MR15 (almost 16 atually) with 400pl and 1.6mil credits selling my account. Here's my stuff (those marked with a star have an orokin reactor/catalyst installed) Warframes: Ash*, Banshee, Ember Prime, Frost Prime*, Hydroid (unranked), Loki (unranked), Mag Prime*, Mirage (rank26), Nekros (unranked), Nyx, Nova*, Oberon, Rhino Prime*, Saryn, Trinity*, Valkyr, Vauban, Volt Primaries: Amprex*, Attica, BoarPrime, BoltorPrime, Buzlok, Dread*, Flux Rifle, Gorgon, Grakata, Hek, Ignis, Latron Prime, LatronWraith*, Miter, Orgis, Paris Prime, Penta, Phage, Qunanta, Soma*, Sybaris, Tiberon, Tigris, Torid, Vectis Secondaries: Akbolto, Akmagnus, Akstiletto, Akvasto, Akzani, Angstum*, Brakk*, Castanas, Despair, Detron, Dual Cestra, Lex Prime, Marelok*, Nukor, Pyrana, Sicarus Prime, Spectra, Stug, Tysis Melee: Amphis, Atterax, Dakra Prime*, Dragon Nikana, Dual Ichor, Dual Kamas, Dual Zoren, Galatine, Glaive Prime, Hate, Heat Dagger, Jat Kittag, Karyst, Kestrel, Kogake, Kronen, Magistar, Nami Skyla, Obex, Orthos Prime, Prova Vandal*, Reaper Prime, Scindo, Scoliac, Serro, Sheev*, Silga & Aegis, Venka Sentinels: Carrier, Deathcube, Djinn, Helios, Shade, Wyrm I have most cosmetic helmets (no arcane one's). I also have 6 Catalysts, 3 Reactors and 8 Formas already but in my inventory. I DON'T have formaed frames and weapons (just my amprex twice) cause i find it boring releveling the same stuff... Also i DON'T have the Tethra's Doom mod set. Price: 35