Account has 20 warframes currently,35 weapons platinum:-4000 credits:-2M 3 archwings 4 arch guns 3 arch melees syndicate :- arbitis of hexis skins:- pakal bundle loki knave skin trinity strega skin 4 sentinals Contact info:-Lepatriot#5758 discord or pm me here or email [email protected] account comes with a full acceccable gmail account any requests or anything u need me to farm pls pm any details contact me really want to sell this
The account has 4.5k plat and price remains 250$ awaiting offers unable to upload current plat proof [error file too large will show screens on skype if needed] i Have also contacted the De's to change the email and i will be giving the warframe account along with the gmail account which u will have full access to <3 peace
THIS ITEM HAS SOLD This is a confirmation that a buyer has paid for this listing. What is the next step? 1). A startup ticket has already been opened with @Middleman and the buyer. @Middleman is now verifying the buyers payment. 2). Upon verifying the buyers payment, @Middleman will activate the buyers private conversation, sellers private conversation ticket, and buyers/sellers 3 way conversation ticket. 3). No further steps are required on the sellers behalf until we have opened the 3 way conversation ticket with @Middleman, the buyer, and the seller included in the ticket. If you have any questions in the meantime, you may contact us directly here.
For those unaware of what's happening with "item sold" and "relisted for sale", the user is trying to sell an account that can't be accessed by anyone, including the owner because this account is.....*drumroll*.......banned It has been banned for quite a while, usually banned accounts are then changed to a "sold state" even when in reality no one even contacted the user, it's a way account sellers have to simply make players uninterested, the account is gone, there is nothing more to sell. This user however is trying to get something out of it, so these months old screenshots are often presented as if they are fresh. I know the account is banned (trust me) and so for giggles i actually tried to contact the user about the account, same screenshots as in here were presented but then i asked for a unique profile screenshot that despite being trivial, it would require a login. Obviously the next message i received was asking me why would i need such a screen (aka stalling), i replied knowing deep down such a screen was impossible to achieve, from that moment forward the user stop replying as he knew he could never sell the account to me. But it can sell it to you. So if you want to be the proud owner of a banned account, please step forward. As for the OP, just do the same as all the other banned account owners, mark the account as sold and let it fade away.