Hi! I played a lot of this game and now im interested in other games. Basic account info: MR: 18 (1/3 for next lvl) Warframes: 33. All, except: Octavia, Vauban Prime, Banshee Prime and Excalibur Prime Credits: ~1 million Platinum: 50 (1400 if you sell my 3 ash prime sets) Endo: 31k Mods: 442 different mods. 5063 total mods. Current guns in the account: 102 Primary Weapons: 57 Secondary Weapons: 18 Melee Weapons: 27 Sentinels: 7 Pets: 8 Mods: Maiming and that stuff, 9 primed mods. Others: 13 Paletes, a lot of skins, forma, catalist and reactors used. Detailed info: Color paletes: 13. Classic, Saturated, Daybreak, Easter, Fire, Halloween, Ice, Ki'Teer, Orokin, Shamrock, Smoke colors, Storm, Valentine. Warframe skins: 9. Ash koga, Banshee soprana, Frost harka, Oberon feyarch, Excalibur proto-armor, Nova asuri, Nyx nemesis, Rhino palatine, Trinity strega. Helmets blueprint: 20 Helmets arcanes: 4. Aurora, squall, aura, esprit. Helmets: 17 Weapon skins: 17 + all arrows skins. Syadnas: 6-8 Accesories full sets: 4 Land craft: Scimitar (Sotz skin) / Mantis (Prisma skin, Day of the dead skin). Relics: 99 Lith / 78 Meso / 149 Neo / 26 Axi Syndicates: Steel Meridian (max). Friendly: Arbiters of Hexis / Cephalon suda Teeno skills: Vazarin (main tree) / Unlocked: Zenurik, Naramon, Madurai. Riven mods: 8. Boltor x2, Aklex, Detron, Dread, Latron x2 (Godly), Panthera. Primed mods: Continuity, Cryo rounds, Flow , Fury, Point black, Pressure point, Reach, Centinel Regen, Target cracker. All between R7-R10. Expensive mods: Maiming strike, Argon scope, Buzz kill and that kind of mods. Quest: All done, except the tutorial quest.