Selling  Most unique account that has everything on it

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by guyfromearth, 2/17/20.

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  1. guyfromearth

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    Selling most unique account. Account I have been playing since the beta and have pretty much everything you can have. But the coolest thing NO ONE IN THE GAME HAS is – most of top 3 titles. Can you imagine? Only 3 person in entire game during season could get a title. And I have most of them. I have all unique PvP rewards. PvP mounts and weapons no one can get anymore!

    Max geared Sentinel. 400mil credits.

    Couple nicely decorated SH. Own Flagship.

    Have some cartel coins in case you want to change race and have character rename actice.

    Starting price is 1.500 usd. But feel free to trade.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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