Sold MOROSBD ₱1 T/S> 20PCS LUX RED (sayo WRAPPER) kung...

Discussion in 'Ran Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Deen Deen, 7/18/15.

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  1. Deen Deen

    Deen Deen
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    MOROSBD ₱1 T/S> 20PCS LUX RED (sayo WRAPPER) kung walang tiwala meet up CAVITE or MANILA Area Or Wrapped BLADE or MIGHTY FIST KKW (Kanya kanyang Wrapper) ONE IS TO ONE RATIO.. ========================= MOROS =1.8K PHP FIST =1.5KPHP (with Wrapper) BOW = 1.8K PHP (With Wrapper) CAVITE or MANILA AREA. =========================
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