Selling my Battlenet-account with a number of games included. I'm selling it based on the value of the Hearthstone account alone. I haven't changed my Battletag so the account still includes a free change of name. I've been playing Hearthstone for several years and have meticulously been collecting the very best cards and decks. As of January 3rd: Legendary: 159 Epic: 327 You can see the full collection og cards on HSReplay: learningful#2524's Hearthstone Collection - Available single player games: Tombs of Terror The Dalaran Heist Rastakhan's Rumble The Boomsday Project The Witchwood Kobolds and Catacombs The Frozen Throne Karazhan League of Explorers Blackrock Mountain Naxxramas Heroes: Elise, Lunara, Malfurion, Rexxar, Jaina, Sir Annoy-o, Uther, Anduin, Madame Lazul, Maiev, Valeera, King Rastakhan, Thunder King, Thrall, Gul'dan, Garrosh, Arthas. Bonus - other games on the account: Diablo III Starcraft and Starcraft II Overwatch Heroes of the Storm WoW