Dear Ladies and gentlemen, Till now I was working hard on getting better conditions for your joy. And now I can offer you next good account. Server: G1 LVL: 352 HP: 100 ATK: 1.735 bln DEF: 1.230 bln ENE: 1000 STAM: 2210 WB: dmg: Top 10% atk: Top 200 EB: Top 25% TB: Top 100 Arena: Top 10% VIP: 11 lvl (close to lvl 12) Mines: 7 A lot of resourse for combine. Please if you have any questions do not hasitate to ask. Thank you
ATK: 1.8kkkk DEF: 1.5kkkk ~3.3k of jevels collected. ~1k potions of energy ~400 potions of stamina ~40 void eggs ~700 gold refills
LVL: 377 ATK: 3kkkk DEF: 2.3kkkk ENE: 2440 Ragnagok✯ Water and Fire - available 5k monster cores 14k honor points
You can use middleman link for $125. I'm sure that you will satisfy my acc after all proccess will be finished. By now I've improved it to 400 level. There are also many other pleasant improvements like as: 2k jewels 1700 stamina 70k honor 40 void eggs 7k monster cores 5kkkk ATK 3kkkk DEF
After 5th year update I have some news for you! LVL: 407 ATK: 24kkkk DEF: 12kkkk ENE: 1010 STAM: 2940 VIP: 12 lvl (50% to lvl 13) 100k honor 60 void eggs 9k monster cores The best offer for the same price. You will enjoy this game!
If you would like this offer send me some screenshots of accounts and make a middleman link thank you sir
I want to receive $100 clear. Price $125 includes middleman sevices. As I know it's takes about 10% from the price and min. $15. I will send you fresh screenshots if we will agree on price. Thank you.