Have 2 MW accounts for sale. Comment your Pal+ ID and we can make a deal there. Payment through PayPal only. Main account: 1K stam, 300 energy, 150 health. 3.1T fully buffed, 2.6 without guild buff or dark leader. Have all rags + and non +. 3 Rag☆ monsters. Fire, earth and water. 2.2K universal cores. 4K honor. Some eggs. 2nd account: 1.7 fully buffed, 1.3T without guild buff or dark leader. NO full Rag+ squad. Has Dark+, water+ and fire+. Has all non + Rags. 1 Rag☆, Holy. More info and pictures can be provided on Pal+, KIK or Facebook. PAYPAL ONLY..
Can someone tell me how I can verify my account? Saying I'm a high risk and customer support hasn't replied to my several emails I've been sending for a few days