Monsters: Armor claw 100 Zorky 120 (rank 3) gaidigo 130 kawthor 100 tayni 100 Knightingale 110 Unspeakable 110 Dr.wattz 100 Azte 47 Glamhead 8 (one time offer monster) Elites: dunn ra 100 cain 100 nemesis: Talos the forgotten artifact 100 Luicifire hopefreezer 100 and lifemelter 110 VIP: scarr the outcast 62 zyla the faithful 100 Warmaster: Ragnarok 1 Top legendary monsters: Hookuai 100 general thetys 100 imigbo 100 devastress 100 (rank 1) Yedra 100 Timerion 100 Synaptikus 100 Demise 100 Rociuko 100 Francine frank 100 Ingenica 100 AND MANY MORE please email @ [email protected] if interested looking for an account with lord pumpseed to trade if not cash is available $$$