Monster Legends account for sale: I have been playing consistently for years, but have become too busy to keep up. Level: 140 Total unique monsters: 359 Level 130: 4 Level 120: 8 Level 115: 9 Monster power: 168,000+ Gold: 18B+ - enough gold production to earn 20 gems and place in the top 5000 for another 25 gems in the weekly gold challenge Food: 100M+ Gems: 600+ Several monsters with all level X runes & high-level artifacts All islands, max habitats, etc.
Price dropped. This is a 100% legit account; no "cheap gems" purchases, just time and real money put into the account, so no risk of the account being deleted.
I am interested in your account. But I want to know how many 130 monster u have, because u r level 140 and u said only 4 lvl 130. It is weird. Can you show me the pictures of your monster roster and how many X runes u have? (Including all the 130 monsters, even free Legendaries) Thanks