Money Hacks?

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    If it was possible to get money hacks How theoretically could it be done? would there be a way to make the server think you have 2 or more silver cats on?

    Im mean this is possible one of the most annoying games ever as far as hacking goes and because everything is sever sided they run like crap...

    also Hi im new. I have absolutely no hacking skills and Im running Vista. ;X

    But there's always room to learn So far I play RF and 2moons.

    Another Idea came to me what values come up when you buy or preview items?

    well u answered ur own question you cant # carats because most of the stuff is server sided as you said

    What about an OGP Card Gen? I Mean the card should be a simple algorithm but what about the activation process? Im prolly asking the wrong person but im just throwing ideas around don't shoot them down.
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