Hey everyone! c: Finally got around to making one of these. Sorry for the lack of fancy headers and bullet points, I'm swamped with uni assignments at the moment and also I suck. But hey, I'm using proper grammar for once so there's that. c; This will likely be more of a 'looking for' topic rather than a trading/selling sort of thing, though I will eventually get around to posting pictures of all the ish in my inventory in case you guys happen to be looking for something I have. It'd be a lot easier than me just tossing stuff onto the Marketplace and hoping for the best. Things I'm looking for and things I'm trading/selling will be split up into two posts below which I'll try to keep updated as much as possible. Whenever I'm looking for things I'll always overpay so uhh, hmu :wink: Anywho, some important stuff: Coins: broke Gems: never enough Check out my 'looking for' list down below? :rainbowsheep: