Selling  Android  High End Modern Combat 5 Black Out

Discussion in 'Modern Combat Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ape_escape, 9/1/19.

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  1. Ape_escape

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    My Location:
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    Selling account.
    Willing to negotiate price.
    Dog Tag d2c3h5g
    level 140 PARAGON
    VIP level 9
    With 1.11 million diamonds/gems
    With 433 credits
    All Unlocked Classes except for latest Tracker class.

    Class Weapons:
    Assault- all unlocked and complete upgrade
    Heavy- all unlocked and complete upgrade
    Recon- all unlocked and complete upgrade
    Sniper- all unlocked and complete upgrade
    Support- all unlocked and complete upgrade
    Sapper- all unlocked and complete upgrade
    Bounty Hunter- all unlocked and complete upgrade
    X1 Morph- unlocked up to tier 7 weapon, not complete upgrade
    Kommander- unlocked up to first prestige weapon, not complete upgrade
    Marauder- unlocked up tier 5, not complete upgrade

    Unlocked armor skins:
    Carbon, Diversion, Fracture, Honey comb, Bones, VIP commander, VIP skirmisher, VIP gladiator, Xmas, Rainbow, Summer woodland, Suburban winter, Urban zebra, Carnival, Forest oni, Navy oni, Sky kemono, Purple kemono, Winter sweater, Reindeer, 500k.

    Unlocked armor cores:
    Yokai MK5
    Glutton MK5
    EMP Immunity MK5
    Fortification MK1
    Piggy Bank MK2
    Ethereal MK5
    Toxic Area MK4
    Disruptor MK1
    Underdog MK1
    Core Jammer MK1
    Hair Trigger MK5
    Scorcher MK3
    Sixth Sense MK4
    Impetum MK5
    Regenerator MK4
    Murderblitz MK5
    Master at Arms MK5
    Cryogenitor MK5
    Shield Patcher MK2
    Infiltrator MK5
    Specter MK4
    Evil Eye MK3
    Improved Berseker MK3
    High Powered MK5

    Unlocked armor:
    All Paragon suit
    All Elite Nova suit
    All Samurai suit
    All Nova suit
    All Legion suit
    All Werewolf suit
    All Anubis armor suit
    All Hazard suit
    All Santa suit
    All US Patriot suit

    Unlocked secondary weapons:
    Unlocked up to MK7 and first prestige weapon.

    Unlocked secondary weapon camo:
    Pro, summer woodland, tan woodland, grey woodland, autumn woodland, suburban winter, urban zebra, winter woodland, soulweaver, fashionably dead, money shot, highlander, US patriot, UK, Chinese, German, Japan, Russian, vulcan, paper trail, legio aeternam, French, Italy, Thailand, arabesque, Brazil, Canada, honey comb, carnival, VIP commander, VIP skirmisher, 500k, navy oni, forest oni, VIP gladiator, Xmas, Rainbow.

    Unlocked explosives:
    Frag, Concussion, Nail, Chaff, Falsh, Impact, Sticky Mine.

    82 killsigns unlocked.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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