Mobius Final Fantasy Account, Multiple Supremes. Selling to pay for school. Level 79 almost 80. about 87 million gil 5* max level Duncan. 5* max level Aerith. 4* max level Neo Exdeath, 1/2 growstars. Lightning Thief of Tantalus / Zidane Soldier 1st Class / Cloud Ace Striker / Tidus Pugilist Grappler Rogue Devout Dancer Dragoon Red Mage Assassin Black Mage Thief Dark Knight Hunter Knight Warrior Most of the multiplayer Weapons, class weapons, etc. Masamune x Murasame x about 200 unique summoned cards including kotr, hells gate, garuda, serah, noctis, cloud, aranea, ashe, squall, tidus, odin, barret, bahamut, yojimbotitan falcie, anima falcie, tons of fractals/pneuma/etc upgraded storage lots of exclusive companions buster sword, masamune, few others have lots of boosts. Too much to list fully. Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service