Selling  Android and iOS MKT level 150, 109 drivers, 129 karts, 97 gliders, Tier 65

Discussion in 'Mario Kart Tour Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by HansH, 12/4/21.

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  1. HansH

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    I am selling a very high end MKT account, as I lost interest in playing the game. This account is and has been gold since the very first tour. With this account you will be able to rank top1000 is every tour!

    Player Tier 65
    Drivers: all normal at lvl7, most super at lvl7 and many high end level 6+
    Karts + Gliders:: most normal and super at lvl 6 or higher and many high ends are level 6+

    Multiplayer S+2

    mkt1.jpg mkt2.jpg mkt3.jpg mkt4.jpg mkt5.jpg mkt6.jpg mkt7.jpg mkt8.jpg mkt9.jpg mkt10.jpg mkt11.jpg mkt12.jpg
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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